Work Environment Examination helps to identify potential work-related hazards in the workplace to ensure workers’ safety and health through work environment control and Hygiene & Sanitation implementation in the workplace.

Oshindo Medika Pratama in collaboration with PT. Sekupang Makmur Abadi carried out a Work Environment Examination in compliance with the Minister of Manpower’s Regulation Number 5 of 2018 which states that companies are required to control physical and chemical factors to below the TLV (Threshold Limit Value), which includes having to conduct a Work Environment Examination at least once a year.

Following the analysis of the examination results, PT. Oshindo Medika Pratama presented the results of the work environment examination that included physical, chemical, ergonomic, psychological and hygiene & sanitation parameters along with recommendations for controlling the work environment to the company. The results of the examination of the work environment can be used as a reference for preventive, corrective or improvement measures for safety and health at w­orkplace. Manpower is a very important asset to support operational or production activities in the company. In addition, the examination report can also be used for both internal and external audits.