Batam – On 18 and 19 April 2022, The National Accreditation Committee has conducted an assessment of PT. Oshindo Medika Pratama as part of the surveillance for Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Accreditation with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. Two assessors were on the team: Hara Simarmata (Chief Assessor) for quality and management inspection, and Lukman (Assessor) for technical inspection.

At the start of the assessment, dr. Mariaman Tjendera, M.Kes as the Director of PT. Oshindo Medika Pratama said that this assessment was needed as an implementation of Industrial Hygiene Laboratory competency according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.

The assessment began with an examination of relevant documents, followed by a visit to the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory, an inspection of the industrial hygiene instruments, and finally ending with a test of staff competency.

The management and technical assessment stages have gone well. The discrepancies found in the laboratory are considered an opportunity to improve the laboratory’s quality.

This accreditation represents PT Oshindo Medika Pratama’s commitment to developing a modern, measurable, sustainable, obedient, and compliant Industrial Hygiene Laboratory so as to fulfill our consumers’ expectations.