Stress on workers can be assessed based on the aspects that cause the stress (stressors). Work-related stress can lead to symptoms in the form of physiological symptoms (increased heart rate, blood pressure and breathing), psychological symptoms (continuous disappointment and anger) and behavioral symptoms (changes in eating habits, increased smoking habit, absenteeism and decreased productivity). Work stress can also have a negative impact on health such as anxiety, depression and burn out.

Oshindo Medika Pratama held a Mental Health Webinar on February 15 and 17, 2022 with the topic “The Importance of Mental Health for Workers”. The participants of this webinar were workers from PT. Volex Indonesia, with Medilab Clinic’s Psychologist, Rismaida P.A. Napitupulu, M. Psi, as the speaker.

In delivering the material, Rismaida P.A. Napitupulu said that stress is something we face every day and not all kinds of stress are bad for us. There is a kind of stress that has a good impact (eustress), for example, an exam for grade promotion, and also the kind of stress that has a negative impact on us (distress), such as the feeling of loss. Ideally, stress management needs to be done daily so that it doesn’t interfere with our roles as employees at work or as children/parents at home. There are several healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercising, relaxing, doing a hobby, or writing a journal.

In addition, she also said, “Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you feel it is necessary because as WHO stated,  ‘No health without mental health.’ Be healthy, not just physically, but also mentally.”

With the implementation of this webinar, PT. Oshindo Medika Pratama hopes that the presented material can create a comfortable work environment for the mental health of the workers, thus improving the quality of decision-making, communication between colleagues, superiors and subordinates leading to an increase in productivity in the future.